There's virtually no limit to our machining ability. We've got custom machines and mills to repair, rebuild or replace anything you'll need for your engine. Below is a list of "some" of our shop services. This is not a complete list, so if you've got something else in mind, you know who to call. That's right: Baxter Engines!
Pick up the phone and call us or email gary@baxterengines.com if you need something done that you don't see on this partial list of shop services.
Align Boring, Honing, Cylinder Boring, Main Cap Installation, Mount Splayed Caps, Bore Cam Tunnels, Cam Tunnel Repair, Square Decking & Surfacing, Lifter TRU, Cylinder Sleeving, Cut Counter Bores, Repair Lower Bores.
Welding, Grinding, Straightening, Magnafluxing, Indexing, Stroking, Balancing.
Porting, Surfacing, Guide Installation, Valve Jobs, Angle Milling, Seat Work, Seat Pockets, Machine For Screw-In Studs, Pressure Testing, O-Ring Heads.
Resizing, Pine Boring, Bush Rods.